Monday, January 25, 2010

Manic Monday

Blah! It is disgusting out. It is pouring and so windy. I wish I was still at home in bed.

This week was an up and down week. I had emotionally good days and I had some really bad days. I think this will be my trend for awhile as I grieve. Last night was particularly bad, so I am proud of myself for pulling it together this morning and going to work.

I've been doing a much better job of controlling the eating which paid off when I weighed in today: 185 lbs (-1.8lbs). I also got in three sessions of exercise.

Steady as she goes...


Carlos said...

hang in there...

theantijared said...

I wish it were Sunday, cause that is my funday!

Unknown said...

Congrats on the loss! Keep it up girlie.

Cole Walter Mellon said...

I wish it was Sunday, cause that's my fun... hey! Tony stole my line! Bastard!