Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I'm Moving

Won't you join me at my new blog?

How to Lose Weight and....

How to lose Weight and.....live, enjoy life, be married, cook dinner, eat out, renovate a house, become a mother and balance it all!

Because priorities shift like the wind, but a healthy lifestyle should always be paramount.

Because while losing weight is important, a balanced lifestyle is the only way to succeed and live a little along the way.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I'm alive

I have a new home - November 22nd:

I have a new name - November 27th:

I enjoyed the Caribbean - November 28th - December 12th

I moved into my new home - December 12th

I look forward to catching up with my favorite blogs and sharing my progress (and then lack there of thanks to the honeymoon) with everyone :-)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

It's been a while

Another summer come and gone. It really is my favorite time of year.
This summer was a doozy. Since June, here are a few highlights:

Happy 25th Birthday to me!

Surprise - July 11th was my bridal shower

I attended my first ever WW meeting - I still don't know if it's right for me

Regular gym visits have kept me feeling healthy and focused

I stayed solidly in the 170's

House hunting turned up a possibility - we made an offer and it was accepted!

My little brother entered his first body building competition and I got to be his trainer :-)

I hope to write more about some of these topics to catch up from the summer. It's been a very busy time for me with the house hunt, wedding planning, and trying to make health and fitness an everyday part of my life.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Boo-ya! Welcome to the 170's

Check it out!

Don't mind my poor cracked scale - there was a mother-in-law incident. Look past the crack, and check out that number - 179.8 lbs!!

There was no parade or statues erected in my name, but there was a hug and kiss from my fiance and a big ole smile on my face :-)

Here's to making the 170's a much shorter lived visit than the 180's.
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Thursday, June 17, 2010


I think the only way I will ever get under 180lbs is with your help. I think with accountability and support, I can do it.

Basically, I keep coming around here, touting about how I'm so close to going below 180, and then I find myself 3lbs up again. Then, I disappear until I am back to 180, and I visit again to post about it.

Well, not no more! I'm going to stay and deal with whatever number I get next week because this whole lose, post, gain, disappear, lose, post thing is getting old.

I think it hit me when I went to the doctor this week and she told me I was 2lbs less than last year - yay for losing, but damn - a whole year was "wasted" in terms of progress.

So, here I am - 180.6lbs. If there was ever a week to lose the weight, it is this one. Regardless, I'll let the world know what I weigh next Tuesday when I weigh in again.

P.S - Carlos is back, and I might have found it a tad bit inspiring ;-)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I must have a tapeworm

All I did this weekend was eat, eat, eat - yuck!

I really need to get my sh*t together. I'm the only one sabotaging myself here.

And damn it, I am worth more.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Die 180, Die!

No 170's for me :-(

It looks like I won't be reporting from the 170's this week. I weighed myself and I am at 180.4 lbs or +0.2lbs from last week. It's disappointing and a bit disheartening.

I may have set myself up for failure by eating out for dinner 3 times last week, knowing I would be attending a baby shower this weekend. I tried to make wise decisions in all of these instances, but I also didn't get in as many workouts this week (only 2).

Me and my fiance are on the offensive this week to bust through the 180's. He will help me by food shopping so I may bring breakfast and lunch to work every day and he will not tempt me with eating out - we'll be sure to eat dinner at home all week. I'm really lucky to have my fiance on my side as I attack the 180's in hopes of being rid of them for good.